Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hotel des Colonies

Hotel_coloniesThe French settlement in Shanghai was started in 1884, but it did not grow as fast as the British (then international) next to it. When the international settlement was busy with traders shipping things in and out of China, the French settlement remain a much quieter place, eventually extended to become the residential and garden city of Shanghai.
One of the few prominent buildings of the French settlement, was the "Hotel des colonies", the only hotel of the French settlement for quite a long time. It was located on the "Quai de France", the French part of the Bund, located South from the Bund itself. "Hotel des colonies" is mentioned in "Les Francais de Shanghai" and was clearly an important location both for traders coming to Shanghai and for the community. Some of the traders based in Shanghai even lived there for years.
I found the enclosed postcard in an antic shop in Malacca. It was written in Saigon and sent to Shanghai by the post, carried by ship to Shanghai, another French settlement. More than the picture on the front, it's the address of on the back that caught my attention. The postcard is simply addressed to "Monsieur Millon, Voyageur, Hotel des Colonies, Shanghai". No street, no number only the hotel's name, where the card would wait for the traveler to arrive and collect it from the counter. "Poste restante", i.e. letter sent to a post office and remaining their until the receiver collects it used to be quite a popular mean of sending letter, although it's quite difficult to imagine it today. It's just nice to think about a time when time schedule was so relaxed, that people would just post the letter and wait for months until an answer arrive... what a change from today's email. I was still quite happy to be able to check my email in the old port of Malacca. The modern world also has it's great advantages.

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