Sunday, July 30, 2006

Xi Shi Bell tower

Bell_towerXi Shi Bell Tower. This was the result of 2 weeks ago trip to a street apart from Sichuan Bei Lu. It's nicknamed "Famous People Street" by chinese as several famous people lived on this street, including Lu Xun, one of the famous modern Chinese writers.
The street has been pedestrianised, and houses are being renovated. One of the feature is this bell tower. There is not plate indicating the date of construction as on many old buildings in Shanghai, but it's clearly early 20's century. The style is somewhat similar to the one of the now museum of modern art (used to be Jockey Club) on people Square (used to be on the Shanghai horse race track).
The area of this tower is now completely transformed into a modern housing section. There are still old building around, but they probably will soon disappear.

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