Thursday, August 31, 2006

China in my ears

I have never been a fan of moving my music with me. I remember the first walkmans being introduced in France, with the old cassette tape in it. A lot of my friends were getting one and I ended up buying one as well. I never used it a lot, neither did I use his CD based successor much more. Short battery life and the necessity to carry music supply with me were a killer... but most importantly I always felt very strange to be separated from the world by the headphones. I always tend to listen to and observe everything around me, so the very idea to cut this source of permanent entertainment is a little weird for me. Sound is also a way to understand the surrounding environment. In crossing busy Shanghai streets, hearing the right sound can save your life from being crushed by an incoming bus...

I am sitting in the French high speed train (TGV) looking at the countryside speeding through the window left to me. 48 hours in Europe including a shopping spree in Paris yesterday, I am going home to reconnect with my family. Jet-lag and late night enjoying friends before taking the plane are still taking their toll on my sleepy eyes. Going home is always a lot of nice feelings, as well as a lot of nostalgia. I enjoy tremendously and I somehow fear it a little as well. I start my computer to write another of those blog posts. I write about how much the Paris near suburbs from the 1920's remind me of the French concession that dates from the same period. Inspiration is difficult to come, constantly disturbed by the crying baby next to me and the conversations of people around that I cannot stop from hearing as they are in my mother tongue. This is when I dig my SKYPE portable headset from my computer suitcase and start a MP3 player software... as I suddenly felt like cutting myself from the world. Any music will do as long as it covers the surrounding noise. Chinese notes invade my head within seconds and I am transported to a different universe. Through the hilly fields of the French countryside, I can see rice paddies and terraces from China. Somehow warmed by this usual sound, I feel much better and linked again to Shanghai. I also remember my friendly music composer of neighbor who gave me this file because I used to listen to it all the time... through the wall separating our both apartments. Sitting in the train facing my computer, I am probably using the wolrd's clumsiest portable MP3 player... but it does the trick. I will get a real player very soon, so that I can carry China in my ears with me everywhere.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Unpaid bill

Elec_bill_env002 In a recent trip to an antic market, I ran into a large stack of old papers. They were sketches and drawing from an unknown artist. I was not really interested... but my friend was. He looked at all the drawings one by one, spending so much time with them that I was already moving a few vendors down the line. He called me back and pointed out to these three envelops that he found but had no idea what they were. One of them is the picture on the left hand side. On the envelops was written "Compagnie Francaise de Tramways et d'Eclairage Electrique de Shanghai", i.e. Tranmways and Electric Lighting company of Shanghai. These three little envelops, contains three electricity bills from May, June and July 1949. As China was liberated by the communist party in October 1949, they were amongst the very last ones to be sent with this company mentionned. The bills themselves are in English and Chinese, with no French writing except being called "Facture" and the phone number indicated as "Téléphone". Just seeing the name of the company written in French is like a living proof of the very existence of the French concession. Details and daily life objects like this make history become so much more real.
The electricity company address (Avenue Dubail, Now Chongqing Nan lu) probably does not exist anymore. The whole Avenue Dubail has been destroyed in the 90's to build the famous flyover motorways of Shanghai... but the address to whom this was send maybe still exist. Route Cohen (now Gaoan Lu) is very near from my street, Route Kaufmann (now Anting Lu). I have not checked out yet whether the house at 256 still exists, but it's funny to imagine the face of the house owner, seeing me coming with those unpaid bills from 60 years ago. This is only daydreaming, as the receiver of these electricity bills have probably been chased of their house long ago. In any case, after a second look I realized that the bills have actually been settled in July 1949. No chance of collecting any money from this old bill, but just looking at it is still fascinating.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Another one bites the dust

Surrounded On the back side of my office building, there is a small lane running between old houses. I often walk it on the way home, to avoid the crowd of the surrounding boulevards. It is lively but quiet, kids playing around and people chatting from one house to the other in a tranquillle atmosphere... right in the middle of modern Shanghai. This is one of my "secret passages" through the old Shanghai shikumens. The picture left shows this little alley going throughout the houses, surrounded by brand new skyscrapers towers. During my trip, I cross two separate sections, one that is of very good construction art-deco style (the first two rows on the picture), the other one of lower quality 1920's houses.
I walked through it recently, and realized that many of the small streets were strangely empty, people having abandoned furniture outside and many windows being left open. I looked around for an explanation, and I suddenly noticed the large posters that were sticked on many walls. Although I still cannot read so much Chinese, it did not take me long to understand that they were official government posters, and that the date of 10th August 2006 (i.e. yesterday) was written on then. I was reading the evacuation notice, the death sentence of my beloved back street. These beautiful art-deco brick houses will soon be destroyed, probably replaced by another tasteless modern complex of building featuring "luxury" apartments, shopping center and offices. I can already see banners repeating again and again arguments for destroying this piece of architecture and history, the race for modernity. I am not so sure those people will love to be relocated from the house they have lived in all their life in the city center to modern aseptic housing settlements, miles away in the suburbs, cut apart from their life long community. The neighborhood is probably happily waiting for the next one of these all-in-ones developments, with another shopping center looking like an advertising for luxury chains of hotels or international credit cards, where the same brands as anywhere else will be sold in an sterile environment.
I do not want sound like opposing progress, as I know that Shanghai still needs a lot of economical development. At the same time, remains of the old Shanghai are disappearing so fast that the city's history will soon be visible in museums only. I mentioned before that this little road crosses through two different groups of building. The second one was clearly not well built and some houses are about to collapse after 60 years without maintenance. I don't think there is much to do about this section, apart from tearing it down and rebuilding above it. However, the first smallest section is made of beautiful art-deco style buildings of high quality, still looking great after all this neglect. Every time I pass here, I try to imagine how this section of eight or ten houses could be restored and transformed into beautiful shops, cafes and restaurants enjoying sunny terraces. Few examples of this kind already exist in China, and the location could have made it an ideal shopping and entertainment area, right next to the main business district. Maybe I am a little too European liking old buildings so much, just dreaming about creating nice living conditions in a city were people are just obsessed by fleeing far away as soon as they have made their money. In any case, this dream of a little corner of enjoyment in the middle of the skyscrapers while keeping some valuable history is just about to disappear. To destroy its past is probably the fastest, but not necessarily the nicest way for Shanghai to become a world city.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Tourists in summer Shanghai

Summer in China is not really different from other seasons. Schools are closed for holidays, but the activity does not diminish much. Despite the heat, people keep on being pursuing their activities as usual. Summer in Shanghai is a very different matter. Downtown Shanghai is the host of many foreign companies... who's manager often go on vacation during summer. Clients and colleagues abroad (particularly in Europe) are also on holiday, releasing a lot of the pressure on employees shoulders. Bars and (foreign) restaurant tend to be less crowded their main costumers have disappeared. During this quiet time, foreign regulars are complemented by another crowd of strangers. Tourists in Shanghai are clearly in the rise, helping China to reach its future status of number 1 tourist destination in the world. Shanghai is the main door in and out of China for tourists. No tours of China can take place without showing the wonders of economical progress in Chinese economical capital, the Jin Mao Tower and LuJiaZui. You can also find many groups at the various temples of Shanghai and around YuYuan Garden. They are looking at all these Chinese wonders that are often fake or seriously transformed by renovation. I always find it amusing, that tours focus on traditional Chinese scenes in Shanghai, when much better examples can be found in Beijing or other Chinese cities. Most of these group miss what is really unique to Shanghai, the small streets and old buildings of the old concessions.

People with backpacks and lonely planet guides often seem more adventurous. They also go around the business districts and modernised Shanghai, admiring the brand new towers and one can also find a lot of them on the Bund and around YuYuan Garden. But the French concession part is where many western tourists go, looking for the glory of colonial times. With the renovation going on (for the part that is not being destroyed), this part of town is transforming into a major entertainment area, with small restaurant and cafes opening everywhere, creating a great atmosphere and lot's of nice spots for a rest between two visiting walks. With more cafes and tourists, Shanghai is really becoming a world city.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Cancoillote girl

Cancoillote is a semi liquid cheese from Franche-Comte, a region of North-East France, next to Switzerland. It's quit stinky and has a strange taste for people that are not used to eating French cheeses. It's a very local cheese, being unknown by most of the rest of France (and the world).
I was spending time at a professional networking event a few days ago, when I engaged conversation with a pretty western women. She was from Kansas and we talked a little bit about America as I recently made my first trip there. She explained how different life was in Kansas where she grew up, and in New York or Chicago, that I had just visited. This is when the conversation took a very different turn.
She started to speak to me in French, and said "I have spent a year at the University of Besancon". Besancon is the capital of Franche-Comte, the French region next to mine. It's a charming city and supposed to be very lively, though I am not quite sure how it could retain the attention of a foreigner for one full year. She also knew my town (Dijon), that is a little larger as she was spending weekends there. Then she said a really unexpected sentence: "Do you like cancoillote?" Here I was in Shanghai, drinking sparkling white wine dressed in a suit in a professional gathering, being asked about a cheese that I did not eat since about 10 or 15 years by this very pretty women from Kansas that I had just met. I have to admit that I was truly flabbergasted. We then chatted for a while about this cheese (that she did not like at all) and this part of rural France that I used to go skiing to. This was a really nice conversation and I could not help thinking about the wondeful taste of cancoillote on freshly boilled potatoes for a few days afterwards.
This conversation, with it combination of surprise and real fun, was typical of the new Shanghai. Shanghai today is the place where people from all over the world come to work, visit or study. As most of us have left friends and families, we go to cafes, bars, restaurants and networking events to make new friends and meet people. It's a melting pot of every nationality you can think of, coming here attracted by business opportunities and adventure in this world famous city. I have stopped counting the number of countries or Chinese provinces (larger than many European countries) that I have friends from, but it's probably around 100 by now. This is Shanghai today, and was also Shanghai yesterday. The old Shanghai was also a place where people from all nationalities and origin would meet and live together. The French concession did not have only French, nor the international settlement only Brits and Americans. Large numbers of Europeans, Russians, Americans and many other as well a Chinese immigrants from other provinces were attracted by the spectacular growth. The old Shanghai was the melting pot of Asia, as much as Hong Kong became later. Like New York or London, this city has a talent to bring people from everywhere in the world and make them meet and interact. Although it was frozen for many years, the spirit was kept alive in the memory of many people both abroad and in China, and it has come back. Shanghai is really becoming a world city again.

PS: I am going to France in a few weeks... be sure that I will have some Cancoillote then.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Lost in transmission

Radiogramm02_1 Old Shanghai was a city based on trading with the world, communicating with the tools of the time... airmail and telegram. I recently found one telegram from 1947 in an antic market. 1947 is only 60 years ago, but communication was using means that are so different from today. Touching this old piece of paper is like a trip through time. Images of morse code floating around and cruise ship travel come instantly to my mind. This reminds me of the first page of the "Lotus Bleu", where Tintin painfully listen to and decodes morse transmissions. Being a telegraphist was one of the crucial jobs for the community. A telegraphist would listen to messages, uncode them and write them down. The enclosed telegram was received in Shanghai from London on the 6th of February a 6:35 pm, and delivered the next morning at 7:00am to the receiver, a trading company in Shanghai. Telegraphists would also resend messages that they received, as the communication around the world was not necessarily direct, the message would be relayed from one operator to the other until destination. The network or relay used was often displayed on the telegram, in that case The Chinese Goverment Radio Administration, or CGRA.
With high technology costs and lot's of people needed to operate it, sending a telegram was expensive and charged by the number of words sent. This why "telegraphic style" of writing was invented, to carry the most information for a minimal cost. Telegraph was also generating error in the transmission, as one can see on this one. The receiving telegraphist hesitated or corrected on the CIF bit and on the name of the sender.
In the days of internet, email and VO-IP phones, it's difficult to even imagine how it must have been to live and work with so little ways of communicating. They were the days of a slower pace, when time had a different value, and life in the remote outposts like Shanghai was spent waiting for the next arriving ship or telegram. For a travel into time, I recently found a website where one can send a telegram to anywhere in the world. I have not tried it yet, but it's sounds like a fun way of travelling through time.

Monday, August 7, 2006

10 years in the red

April 1996, after 2 days of driving on European motorways I reached Komarom in Hungary where Csilla, my (now long lost of sight) Hungarian girlfriend was waiting for me. This was the second time I entered the (ex-)communist world after Prague in 1993, but this time was for good. Since 10 years I have lived in countries where the dominant but dying ideology of governement had been Marxism-Leninism and all it's regional versions. Central Europe in the late 90's, China and Vietnam in the 00's, 10 years living where the planned economy gives way to full speed capitalism, creating this social and economical tsunami that the Chinese authorities call "The transition from planned economy to market economy". Ten years in worlds where the future has nothing to do with the past and people have to fully re-invent themselves to survive. Ten years of living in the world of "la demerde", i.e. having to cut corners and constantly find ad-hoc solutions to make ends meet at the end of the month. Ten years of looking at young people suddenly swallowed in the wave of new consumerism, mesmerised by new shopping centers full of brand names propelled by millions spent in the new science of marketing and video clips on the local version of MTV. It was also ten years of exploring the nights of these big cities, transformed by the new freedom and struggling to keep something of their past. Ten years of parents raising their children in a world where all is available but everything cost so much, when they grew up having so much of the very little available. Ten years of rigid Kafkaian administrators and civil servants making every move in daily life a nightmare of pleads and intrigues, suddenly shaken from their throne by these unwelcome foreigners that dared to oppose and criticise theire rulling... to eventually win. Ten years of hearing that "Here it's different", but finally prooving that a lot is just the same as anywehere else.
Stalin and his friends expanding communism created a world parallel to the western one. Despite the enormous cultural differences, I still could recognise a foreigner's residence permit or a local person identity booklet anywhere in the red world. Brown or Bordeaux color booklet, with the holder's picture in the center of the first page, sticked by bad quality transpartent plastic film and no other text on this page. This design of Soviet invention was certainly one of the most popular, as the exact same was used from East Berlin, to Jerevan, Shanghai, Hanoi and Vladivostok. Along with AK47s, Ladas cars, Kamaz trucks and social-realisitc buildings, they are the design legacy of the Marxist/Leninist era to the world.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

A short trip far away

Restaurants in Shanghai abound, new places opening constantly. This should lead to a lot of diversity, imagination and surprises... but it does not. Western restaurants are all of the same for the most part. There lot's of American joints serving burgers from McDonald's to (soon to open) upper-class burger restaurant (please explain me what that is exactly). We also have about 20 French restaurants, from the cheap bistro to the creme de la creme Relais-et-Chateau. Real Italian restaurants are in number in Shanghai, but the one I (sarcastically) prefer are the Japanese copies of Italian restaurants. I think I have to explain this more in depth as I also needed some time to understand the concept of it. They are chains of Italian restaurants, that were started in and expended all over Japan. They often already have outlets in Taiwan, Hong Kong or Korea... and now they come to China. Having very little link with real Italy... the food can be sometimes surprising. The pictures on the menu are always great, it's when your pizza, fettuccini or espresso come that comes the surprise along. The result generally ranges from "more or less right" to "I think an Italian would have a nervous breakdown when eating it".
Amongst all this repetition of variable quality western food, one also find some peculiar places, trying to serve a cuisine away from the norm. I recently had lunch in a Suriname restaurant. I am not sure all internationally minded readers know where Suriname is... let alone most Chinese people. I admire the lady who opened this restaurant, as she probably spends many hours explaining to people where her country is, and what you can expect to eat there. Anyway, I had my roti like in Holland (where Surinamese restaurants are available in mass) and the feeling that I had taken a trip away... 10 minutes from my office. I'm looking forward to far and unknown places... with more of those coming here, Shanghai is really becoming a world city.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

A l'arriere des taxis

This song called "A l'arriere des taxis" (On the back seats of taxis) keeps on coming in my head. The band who sings it is called "Noir Desirs" (Black desires). It used to be the most popular French Rock band, until the lead singer and composer killed his girlfriend and his career in 2003.
It's the story of people who just spend a lot of their lifes, taking taxis to link the different points of their live in these big and incredible cities. "C'est Paris, Moscou, Berlin, Berlin l'enchanteresse" (It's Paris, Moscow, Berlin, Berlin the magic one). The song is from 1989, just before the Berlin wall fell, and the world changed forever. Had it been a little later, you could add Prague, Budapest, Beijing and Shanghai. The song is full of references to Moscow and Russian communism. I can't stop having images of Lenin statues being toppled by crowds and falling communism when I hear it.
"Ils s'aiment a l'arriere des taxis, tant que les heures passent" (they love each other on the back seats of taxis, as long as the hours fly away). People live and love at the back of taxis, flying around the arteries of Shanghai. Taxis are just so much a way of life here you take them to go everywhere... particularly at night time. I take taxis about twice a day on average... Taxis are where we live, work and love. I have so many memories on the back seat of taxis... As in Budapest and Saigon before, a lot of my Shanghai life takes place "A l'arriere des taxis".

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Clash of two worlds

Standing in a Metro entrance, waiting for a friend who is late. I have time to look at people passing... as well as being showered by the looks of the hundreds of people passing in front of me. It's about lunch time, and this entrance is the connection of most busy metro station of Shanghai, with one of the main brand new shopping centers. The Shanghai metro is like all metros, functional, used by thousands of people a day. The shopping center is just a different world, clean, bright with marble and bright lights of advertising flashing around.
I noticed a little girl about 5 with a women about 35 (her mother probably) and a man 60 (I would guess the grandfather). I would guess they come from one of the neighboring provinces or one of the faraway parts of Shanghai. They are not really at ease with the whole environment, somewhat looking for their way in the labyrinth of corridor. They have just bought a Mickey Mouse puppet for the little girl. I guess, it comes from one of the street vendors and it's probably a fake one. I also guess it's a substantial amount of money for the family, just to please the little girl. They stop just before the entrance of the shopping center, the grandfather squatting like Chinese people do in the country side. The face of this man is marked by nature, hard work and age. He probably spent many years in the factory, the field or something even worse. They start to unpack the puppet and play with it.
It took about 1 minutes for the security guards from the shopping center to ask them to move away. They were polite but firm. The family wanted to stay but after a short discussion stood up and started to move along. What marked me was the look of total incomprehension on the face of this old man. He obeyed the big guys in white shirts, just as a routine because they represent authority and this is what he has learned all those years. Having been through years of hard work and political turmoil... he just to find he just find himself pushed away again, because they say he does not belong here. I guess the new Shanghai is just impossible to understand for people like him. I have seen the same look from Budapest to Saigon, on the face of these people that the disappearance of the communist dream world took by surprise... it still deeply touches me.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Boona Cafe (Xin Le Lu)

On a small street, at the heart of the French Concession, there is this cafe that a friend mentionned over diner, Boonna Cafe. It's not a bar, nor a French Grand Cafe type, but definitely kind of a Manhattan inspired coffee joint. About 10 meters by 5, with 9 tables and 25 seats, it's not the biggest Cafe I know in Shanghai but it's really friendly. Yellow and Red walls, giving light when the Shanghai suns goes away (i.e. most of the days). Lot's of books, black and wait pictures on the wall... even a ganja leaf somewhere in a corner. Some blues notes playing in the background. This place has a slightly artistic, alternative touch. It's not really Chinese, but these kind of places are so needed in Shanghai to make it more international. I love the atmosphere of a small place owned and run by a couple of friends. It's just the opposite of big chains, the opposite of standardisation, though globalisation and media overexposure gives it an air of deja-vu. Starbucks has opened the way, now it's time for more intimate places with a real atmosphere. Great place for a date, for starting a relationship, for closing one or meeting this friend perdu de vue since a few months... and last but not least, they have no smoking policy today... Definitely recommended for frequent visits.